Top 5 Book Boyfriends of 2015

Top 10.jpg

Alright, guys, here it comes. That obligatory post at the beginning of each year that covers the obligatory subject. YOU KNEW IT WAS COMING.

So, anyway, this is the time where I will swoon, squeal, flail, and fangirl over each of the fictional men that have managed captured my heart during the span of the year. The men that have endured all the way through the end of the year, defeating many possible competitors. And, mind you, this is no easy task. I read a total of about 100 books this year, almost all of which contain swoon-worthy love interests, and I’ve managed to narrow my list down to 5.

Also, note that most of these books didn’t come out in 2015, but I’m just now reading them because I need to catch up on my reading. WE CAN’T ALL READ 300 BOOKS A YEAR, CAN WE NOW?

Anyway, I hope you enjoy! Please feel free to comment down below so we can fangirl together!

Alright, in no particular order, here are my top 7 book boyfriends of 2015:

Ben from Paper Towns by John Green

Aw, Ben. I waited so long to read this book (PLEASE DON’T KILL ME JOHN GREEN FANGIRLS), thinking for some reason that it would be one of those slow, boring contemporaries. But boy, I was wrong. This book managed to make me laugh, cry, and feel all the fangirl-ish feelings we’ve all felt before, but have no way of explaining. And, Ben, you were the absolute best part. Your weirdness, sarcastic sense of humor, and open-mindedness captured me from the first chapter. I SOLEMNLY SWEAR TO NEVER DOUBT JOHN GREEN AGAIN. EVER. 

Peter Pan from Tiger Lily by Jodi Lynn Anderson

To be honest, I kinda already had a crush on you from watching the movie, but this book definitely took it to the next level. All the characters were amazingly well-formed, but especially you and Tiger Lily. You were just so funny and confident and relatable and real, and you will always hold a special place in my heart.


James from Audrey, Wait! by Robin Benway

EEK I LOVED THIS BOOK SO MUCH. If you’re in the mood for a read that will cause a ridiculous smile to spread across your face and make you laugh out loud, this is the book for you. The characters were my favorite part of the book- especially you, James. You were so awkward and nerdy and weird and passionate and adorable and hilarious and…..well you get the idea. Basically, you’re exactly the kind of guy I would fall head-over-heels in love with. Seriously.

Finch from All The Bright Places by Jennifer Niven

I might be slightly biased on this one considering the fact that it’s one of my favorite books of all time, but I just loved you to death. You’re extremely weird and unpredictable, and super nerdy and adorable as well. (Haha- sensing a theme here?) Meeting you was a super amazing and inspiring experience, and I loved getting to know you, even if it was just through reading 400 pages of goodness. ONLY 400 PAGES. 

Levi from Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell

AHHHH! LEEEEEVI! There is seriously no way to describe my attraction to you, so therefore I will resort to gifs.


Oh, Levi.

* * * * *

SO! Sorry for the slightly overdue post (I was planning to do it in early December, but oh well), but I knew I couldn’t NOT do a post on this! Who are your top book boyfriends?

21 thoughts on “Top 5 Book Boyfriends of 2015

  1. I actually didn’t like Ben very much *hides in corner*. (But then again Paper Towns wasn’t my favorite John Green book ever either). I haven’t read any of the other books. I really need to get on that. I plan to read All the Bright Places VERY soon as well as Fangirl and Tiger Lily. Thanks for the great post Paige! Just to name a couple of my favorites: William Herondale, and Warner are probably my top 2, but I made a post about this a while back with other fictional loves. (

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